Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Great Deed

Struggling for life-

In the deep water

A Small Great life!

The silent cry and struggle

Which he expressed

Through his gestures

Fell in my ears!

Even though I stood a second

Without starting the rescue

I approached him with a snail's pace

No more cameras, no more channels!

The inactiveness of an eyewitness!

But the SOS message from the sea

Of that halved coconut, shook me!

Suddenly I bent down

And put my finger inside it

Like a rescue rope!

Then I just pulled my hand outside

And let him go!

He went away without biding farewell;

He went away without conveying thanks to me;

May be because of his inability to speak

I won't get any gallantry awards for this heroic deed

I won't get any civic receptions-

Because I saved not a human, but an Ant!

Yes, a small creature and his Great Life

But I felt a satisfaction in performing my duty

Which was assigned by the Almighty!